Tester's Digest

A weekly source of software testing news


ISSUE #73 - September 30, 2018

What does quality process look like when you have no QA engineers, only developers? Some brave organizations have undertaken this experiment so the rest of us may learn. My firm belief, born of experience, is that testing is a skilled job, which like any other professional occupation benefits from specialization.

Topic: Developer Owned Testing

If you have both QA testers and developers performing testing activities, how do they fit together? This post references advice from Lisa Crispin who advocates developer/tester pairing and mob testing, and brings up the question of mutual trust.


If you don’t have dedicated testers at all, how does that work exactly? This post goes through details of task distribution, communication, and responsibility.


Should test automation be left to developers? This author leans toward ‘no’, with some well reasoned arguments.


A similar argument is laid out here. Amusingly, although the post promises a balanced approach, the argument for developer-based testing is well wrapped in caution tape.


Developer-owned testing in practice, with an example from company Guru which uses RainforestQA platform to enable their developers to author end-to-end testcases.


Regardless of testers being in the picture vs developers taking on that job, here’s how to get to a culture of ownership of builds and proper engineering response to broken builds in CI: communication, fast feedback loops, and good tooling.



How asynchronous message architecture works, illustrated by ordering coffee at Starbucks:


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