Tester's Digest

A weekly source of software testing news


ISSUE #49 - March 4, 2018

Shift-left is a popular term in testing these days. What does it mean to shift testing earlier in the software development process, and why is it beneficial?

Topic: Shift-Left

Shift-left/right with some specifics of who does what when:


A PM’s take on shift-right / shift-left views testing holistically, without separating usability feedback from classic validation testing.


Nice deck on the problem of “we have no time for testing!” and amelioration ideas with shifting testing earlier in the process, risk-based testing, and devops. No depth in the slides, just bullet points.


The value of early inclusion of testers on dev projects is in driving clarification at requirements gathering / definition stage; wireframes testing at design stage; bug discovery at development stage; system testing (and nothing more, since other levels of testing are already done!) post integration. Early involvement also builds credibility and avoids the problem of having no time to test when the feature is all coded up.


Ask questions early to prevent problems later:


The impact of Quality Driven Development process for one organization. By QDD they mean BDD with automated tests running in dev environment, fixing issues on the fly, and encoding the definition of done as a demo by automated test that drives the UI. This team saw good outcomes: “streamlined our testing process, made us more agile than ever before, raised the quality of our products, and given us an increased awareness of customer satisfaction”.



Adding games and gamification techniques to meetings and other workplace activities, a tester’s perspective:


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