Tester's Digest

A weekly source of software testing news


ISSUE #62 - June 10, 2018

My experience of testing mobile apps is just about zero, so let’s learn together. This issue looks at the challenges of testing on Android and iOS and some best practices in mobile test automation.

Topic: Mobile Testing

How to deliver a crash free mobile app (examples are for Android) by testing for specific conditions


Details of one team’s setup for Android testing, with Cucumber layer, Appium, Jenkins and a private device test lab:


Testing mobile wearable apps, from Yelp with their Apple Watch app:


Test automation on mobile devices, with tips on setting up the test environment to reduce flakiness:


Author examines tradeoffs in testing Android apps at different levels, from unit to UI tests with Espresso framework, emulators and/or Selenium, and argues for JVM-based integration tests over UI tests that run on real OS:


Resources below are more like tutorials in specific frameworks, but have good intro sections about testing levels and address some problems that you’d face regardless of the choice of framework.

iOS unit testing with XCTest:


Android unit tesitng with Robolectric:


Acceptance testing (for both platforms) with BDD-style framework Calabash:



Facebook bug makes users’ posts unintentionally public:


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