A weekly source of software testing news
ISSUE #50 - March 11, 2018
This post and the next couple will be on testing web UI, from front-end components to end-to-end workflows. Today’s focus is on Javascript / React. An earlier post on UI test automation with some still-relevant resources can be found at:
Which testing frameworks are used with today’s Javascript? Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber JS. (This answer probably became obsolete as I typed it, given JS community’s rate of change.)
Nice detailed overview of different testing layers and frameworks for Javascript front end. TL;DR; Use Jest for unit and integration tests and TestCafe for UI tests.
How one team selected a front-end testing framework, settling on Nightwatch.js. Our web development team at Quid took the journey from WebdriverIO to TestCafe to Cypress - we should blog about that…
Use cases and design considerations for a date picker widget, food for thought in testing UI elements:
And a couple of handy tools. This post covers Chrome extensions for testing web page link validity and providing problematic inputs and mocked data for input forms.
Carte Blanche, integrated fuzz testing for front-end components. Warning: hasn’t been updated in 2 years; but works with React.
HTTP status codes explained with cat or dog GIFs, good for lulz, great as a memory aide:
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