Tester's Digest

A weekly source of software testing news


ISSUE #6 - Mar 12, 2017

This issue will focus on continuous testing, which is the current name for the square-peg-into-round-hole fit of QA with Agile methodology; and the new shift-X terminology (shift-left, shift-right, etc).

I’m simplifying the (already simple) newsletter layout to have just two sections, one for the main topic, the other one off-topic for other things that caught my eye this week.

Topic: Continuous Testing and Shift-X

Where does testing fit into a DevOps model? Tester Dan Ashby says: at every stage, from planning to production and back! Hence, “continuous testing”:


How to pick where to expend the testing effort, by the good folks at Bugsnag who offer exception monitoring:


Continuous testing, as viewed by RainforestQA, a crowdsourced testing platform; with a case study of how Zenefits employed this strategy:

https://www.rainforestqa.com/blog/2016-10-11-when-does-continuous-testing-happen/ https://www.rainforestqa.com/blog/2016-08-23-zenefits-a-rainforest-case-study-in-continuous-testing/

Test role in agile: include test engineers into dev teams from the beginning, ask questions early, give fast feedback with automated test tools, and minimize emergencies. With specifics of how they do it at Flipp.


This new “shift-X” terminology has sprung up recently around the move of testing efforts closer to the start of development (shift-left):


Or to production monitoring/testing (shift-right):


Ideas on applying shift-right approach to test and monitor microservices:


On testing in production, see also an earlier Tester’s Digest issue:

Issue #2 - February 12, 2017 Topic: Testing In Production

Then there’s the concept of having no testers, but coaching the organization to incorporate testing activities (shift-coach). In other words, that means getting developers to do all the testing. How?



Security bugs in online credit card payments and why merchants might not fix them:


What would be a very good reason to come up with foolproof steps to reproduce a bug? How about if the bug is in a video poker game, and knowing how to repro nets you a $10,000 jackpot? It’s a long story, search for “HOW THEY BEAT THE HOUSE” to get to the repro steps:


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